Dear readers,
Couples usually look for the same interests
when they have some kind of stability; it could be a project, a mortgage or something
more complex, as adopt a child. This process gives an opportunity to some women
who are unable to have descendant and children who don’t have a family to make
one, as well as a chance to homosexual couples to have their own children. Despite
some groups consider adoption negative for the child on homosexual families,
due to the fact that the pattern of mother and father is absent, this process
gives the possibility to some couples to achieve their life’s dream of having a
baby, and let they show how good parents they can be.
Sometimes it happens that the child lose their
parents or the birth parents don’t have enough resources to maintain their son and
they have to opt for this hard process in which a child is given to other different
family, in order to expect for him a better life. This system is more common in
disadvantaged countries than in developed ones, doubt to the lack of resources.
Nevertheless, nowadays more families decide to adopt despite not being unable
to have children, just as a way to give an opportunity to a child before or
after having their own.
There are different ways to adopt a child, but the
most well-known is when the family has to make contact with an agency and then
depending on the requirements of the country choose the one they want to adopt
from. It could be a long process if it follows the usual line, but there are
other alternatives such as the Green Ticket in China which allows the family to
adopt a child with special needs and it is faster than the ordinary one. But unfortunately,
it is not the more used.
Nonetheless it is a very arduous work and most
of the times couples feel upset because they have to pass many tests, and
sometimes think they are unable to have a baby because the requirements are not
available for them, especially if it is internationally. But it all change when
they have their baby or child because they just want to do their best.
We haven’t had into account in all said before
any advantage or disadvantage about the genre of the couples. Because a family
shouldn't have these connotations, it is a unified group which has to be able
to care about their components as if they were the last human beings on Earth.
We are all individuals, with the same rights including the pursuit of happiness
without discrimination. This means that homosexual families should have the
possibility to rescue a child avoiding him to live in an orphanage and giving
him a chance to live how he deserves.

Best wishes
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